Christopher Hunt

@curtisimo: With out going on a tangent here, the government should and has intervened with monopolistic companies in the past. The Anti Trust law has been evolving ever since The Sherman Anti Trust Act of 1890, paying particular attention to those trusts or cartels that PREVENTED competition and or prevented other

I'm just curious, based on what I'm seeing, is it safe to say that the vast majority of Giz readers are in favor of Net Neutrality?

@Lauren Shaw: I believe this is the preferred scent of io9

Wait a sec, so that picture of Darkseid at the DC panel isn't doctored in any way?

I feel like what I want to say warrants a lengthy and wordy post, but honestly it comes down to this:

@mikeg1130: Truthfully, they probably built this thing so that they wouldn't have to get up off of the couch after watching Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail for the fiftieth time their first semester.

@mikeness: Yech! Geez! ugh...I'll take a Crab Juice!

BYU, as in Mormon University, as in not even soda on campus.

@armyofchuckness: Did that comic on the shelf in the same shot have Galactus on the cover?

@Igor Neumann: I thought we kept that under wraps pretty well, how did the internet find out about our national disdain for the sick and the dying? We HATE sick people cause they should FUCK-ing know better. Bunch of God Damned mooches eatin' up my rocket fuel money is what they are...

@RizzRustbolt: I think her gout's just flairing up...

@mikeslps: I'm right there with you. It looks pretty but the utility got shot to hell.

And it would appear that Tiger Woods is behind him, equally enthralled.

@Snafu77: There are a number of morning show occurrences like this that are all very similar to one another, obviously apart of an act, but a deceptively brilliant one.

@Snafu77: He had me at T Rex arm.