Christoph Eichler

I suppose I was speaking to the very conception of it, not the finished product. These folks should have looked at their setting and their resources and said, "Let's put our creativity towards something other than parodying something when we don't have the means to pull it off." Or maybe even speaking to the idea

Not really [though you saying this implies that there can't be really really well done internet bits, which I disagree with]. But of course, when a comparison is drawn to something great, that's when someone develops a great expectation. It either needed to be done exceptionally well—to live up to the source

Really not a good job at all. Weird that so many folks think this compares even a little bit to the painstaking beauty that Wes Anderson gets out of his shots. It's just not a style that should be attempted with these production values. Might have been neater if they didn't invoke such an impossible comparison.