
I'm pretty baffled at the whole Lady Stoneheart thing.
yeah, yeah, actor contracts and the like, but……
Considering how her unveiling unfolds in the books, it would have been simple to have ONE SHOT of Michelle Fairley as LS shot back during production of season three.
That's all you would have needed.
The rest of the

Ahhhh…  so THAT'S what was going on on all those mysterious parchments Tywin was perpetually scribbling on!

Big shocker at the end?
What about Jorah's banishment?
THAT would be a surprise all around.
Maybe a little early but, since Barristan is already there and unmasked, it could save a little money for season 4.
…unless they want to have Jorah and Barristan keep dueling it out… with Dario thrown in the mix… for another

Stannis' "battle in the snow" indicates the battle at Castle Black? 
At this point, that's not a bad guess, I suppose.
It should have been the best scene in all five books so far, the Battle of the Fist.
But since that entire scene was dropped, I guess that wouldn't make sense.  Also, we no longer have Sam's

I love the mention, a few posts up, of "Alien."
Let's not forget folks that, through all the movies, with all those monstrous beasts and macho men running around loose in outer space, that Tywin was the only one who ever nailed Ripley!