Christine McCarthy

So I guess Drumpf’s War on Facts and Media rages on... pretty sad but then again this whole presidency is. First he goes after CNN, which is literally non-partisan middle of the road reporting. Then he goes after NYT, which is literally the most prestigious and best paper in the world. Then he goes after WaPo, the

Not sure if this is serious or not but I’ll bite.

Add mental illness shaming to the long list of verbal goofs this crazy POTUS has let slip.

It would take 50 days.

Can we stop with the phrase “Gun Control” already? We don’t need gun control. We need the guns to disappear. Zero guns.

This is simply very embarrassing.

I’ll take “What Is Toxic Masculinity for $2,000, Alex.”

I ignored this.

Hillary started The Resistance and #MeToo.

That was about Hillary Clinton obviously.

I said first woman nominee of a major party.

Thank you. Nice to hear a voice of reason on this subject.

Blob Barker, the person I was responding to, assumed that Kaniela was a woman for some reason so I just responded in that context.

Yes exactly. Thank you. We need to move forward in the most constructive way possible, not in the “Let’s just lose with Bernie’s unachievable dream-based policies this time” method described above.

Oh I heard them, they just weren’t important. That they got pushed to center stage by a seriously tiny group of uninformed trust fund posers is seriously unfortunate and did way more harm to the future of this country, never mind the party, than good.

She endorsed Bernie even though Hawaii was solidly behind Hillary. That didn’t help. She also continues to slam Hillary as some type of elitist which is also really not helpful. She pretends to care about the upward mobility of women in politics and in the workplace while literally trashing Hillary, the first woman

Uhhh... if you want “all hands on deck” you’re gonna need to cool it with the Hillary Hate. She started #TheResistance and #MeToo, both initiatives you claim to support.

They should do what the US did to the Japanese during WWII. Put the Russians in Internment Camps and seize all of their property. Then actually go to war with Russia.

+1 for Beetles reference