Christine Nectarine

Spot on.

5 points!

I guess I'm just wondering what tools may have been available or would have been needed to enforce that condition, even if the parents tried to ignore it. For example, why wasn't protective services banging down the door and removing the second child from their care so that the baby could get treatment?

Wouldn't having a child who already died due to this kind of neglect have necessitated some kind of involvement from Child Protective Services? Who would have/should have stepped in and mandated care for the second child?

I joined a choir last year after not having sung in once since high school (about 12 years ago)
Joining a semi-serious choir of adult women is a totally different experience that a school one! Still the fun of belting it out, without the pettiness and silliness of highschool.


I hope Dan Stevens realizes that we will never go see those "three movies" he has coming up because we will never forgive him for KILLING MATTHEW!

I love it.

Can we just *not* with the Chris Brown tweets? Please?!?!?!

I think I was coming at this from the perspective of having recently re-read the Diary, and having that Anne Frank was a real girl thing fresh in my mind. I doubt Beibs was making his comment with any sort of informed perspective (maybe he's read the book, what do I know?)
Truly I think his comment makes him come off

...aaand my defense/somewhat understanding of Beibs ignorantly selfish comment stops right there. Because I am not a Belieber (I'm way too old, and was into rocknroll anyway) and these kids quickly take things way too far —>…

Beiber's comment regarding Anne Frank may have been rather self centered, but considering Anne was a young teenage girl who considered herself boy-crazed, and loved to go on about her various crushes, it doesn't seem completely off base!

Nope, you're confusing her with Lori Loughlin

Forgive my Canadian ignorance, who's Warren?

Rather than the dictionary, I would say get thee a copy of "Feminism is for Everybody" by bell hooks

Thank you, was just coming to say the same thing

This about sums up how conflicted I feel about Ms. Smith. I love some of the statements she has made about Willow re: hair, body image etc, she's an out and proud feminist, intelligent when she speaks, wrote a lovely book for little girls, and plays in a metal band for goodness sakes. But then I'm so uncomfortable


Wow, as a Canadian I am blown away by all the answers here! In Canada, the only things you would pay for in carrying a pregnancy and giving birth is any medications you were prescribed while not in hospital (if you don't have workplace insurance) and semi-private or private rooms in hospital. Otherwise it would all