I cannot remember the name of it now (argh) but a bit of Googling will find an app that lets you scan things in the grocery store to reveal if they are owned by Monsanto and a few other companies so that you can proceed to totally not buy it. ^_^
I cannot remember the name of it now (argh) but a bit of Googling will find an app that lets you scan things in the grocery store to reveal if they are owned by Monsanto and a few other companies so that you can proceed to totally not buy it. ^_^
Meagan Hatcher-Mays strangely silent on this one, because she can't toss an infuriatingly dismissive one liner at you and move on without losing all credibility. SHE SCURRED.
Haha small world. The Pal's I usually go to is the one across the street from ETSU.
The giant Earth killing styrofoam cup is key here. Get it on your way in and have tea all day! Provided you don't take constant man sized gulps of it, obv.
I play WoW as much as a second full time job and I approve this message. >_>
I remember reading somewhere that it can also peel paint off cars. Some kind of evil spurned ex revenge article or something.
That's what I've done! If I limit myself to fountain soda I drink way less and appreciate it more, especially because fountain soda just tastes better.
I usually just drink iced coffee, anyway. I'm such a cheater.
....Iced tea? I get a large iced tea from a local place called Pal's that comes in a huge Earth killing styrofoam cup and lasts me literally all day long. I wouldn't feel like such an asshole if they'd let me bring an empty back to use over and over but that's probably like. way super against health code. =/
This might make me history's greatest monster, but I would buy the shit out of that.
I just saw these guys last week in Knoxville, TN and they were amazing live. Singer is incredihot. :3
No one said there is a conspiracy anywhere. The concern is that it is so commonplace that people don't even think of it as being wrong, and you are a perfect example.
I don't want to poop on anyone's birthday party, but don't any of you voluntary childless people think about how scary/lonely the last two-ish decades of your lives are going to be?
Kelly Osbourne's friend in the Docs and gag-worthy floral dress is fucking killing me. Can we PLEASE not let grunge fashion be a thing again? PLEASE??
That is a little different than having skinny lady dress be "gray" and having a big lady version of the SAME dress be "manatee". If you can't see a difference there then I don't know what to tell you.
Ugh not cool :(
I don't remember reading that he was gay anywhere in the article, and plenty of straight people frequent BDSM clubs...?
I also live near (and attend) ETSU. Hiya neighbor. ^_^
I really like Lena Dunham's work but I gotta say, this is one of the most pretentious fucking things I have ever heard of. If I am having a conversation with you and you are ticking off a list of unacceptable conversation topics I cover, or weighing the ratio of boring to nonboring sentences, then you are a person I…