
Are you like, Jezebel's hall monitor or something?

Now playing

"When people cover country, rock and bluegrass songs in other genres, it's usually because they appreciate the song in some way." That is a generalization you have guessed at because it suits your narrative. This incorrectly assumes that whites do not have the ability to genuinely appreciate rap music. "The one thing

Protestant Atheist engaged to a Jewish Atheist reporting in. Do I still get to be a shiksa? :(

It just seems so pretentious to have this opinion. Sometimes people do covers of songs in a different musical style. This does not only apply to rap but you somehow seem to be mistakenly thinking that when it does, it is somehow wrong. Please go ahead and punch a wall, you ridiculous ass.

What part of the south are you from? I live in TN and I know MANY pageant girls. Every single cheerleader in my high school was one, my good friend's daughter is just starting, many friend's moms used to do pageants etc...I'm fairly certain the Brooklyn hipster snickers would be because of such a bourgeois misstep as

Any time I would make a mad face or say something mean, my Memaw would gently admonish, "Now now, let's not be ugly."

Through a nose tube, eh? So if the tube ruptures, then....

The poor girl has a cartoon villain name. :(

Whose with me in thinking that she totally looks like she's wearing paladin gear here?

So I am the only child, and my mom was an only child....does this mean my existence is some kind of scientific anomaly? Are we living in a parallel universe??

I had to make this decision about my mother two years ago, and it was an agonizing one. Honestly, I would have been much more comfortable with a doctor lifting that burden, but that would have required trust on my part that the doctor wasn't preparing to milk my family for every last dime he could get. Unfortunately

As a female gamer who plays an MMO full of plate bikini clad female characters a minimum of 40 hours a week, and indeed plays one of said plate bikini clad female characters herself, my contribution towards a discussion on whether or not they are offensive is more meaningful than the rest of yours combined.

It's a good thing we aren't fighting actual battles, then.

And let's be honest. It's only "not a death sentence" if you have a shit ton of medical care, which pretty much bankrupts you for the rest of your life. Congrats to him for being brave enough to be somewhat in the public eye and still sue his boyfriend for this.

Plate bikinis look badass. People who complain about them always strike me as super uptight types who will always find something to have an issue with. =/

Honest question: Am I obligated to feel bad about rugs from Uzbekistan now? Because they make the best ones. I didn't know about their corrupt textile shenanigans. T_T

I might get premature wrinkles from the disgusted face I made while watching this video. Pretty sure I wrote better poetry as a silly, ripped NIN tee shirt wearing highschool freshman. But this bitch is surrounded by people fighting each other to the death to curry her favor because her dad is one of the scariest

Really? Why do you say that? Are you assuming that gay people do not have families/children/401ks?

The part about being grateful and presentable was very obviously meant all in good fun. Removeth the tree trunk from betwixt thine buttocks.