Christina Warren
Christina is a senior writer at Gizmodo.

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I don’t care what anyone says. I still think the *real* iPhone is the Motorola Slvr.

Like, Eric Schmidt is never going to backstab Steve. Ever.

Hey Adam? Wouldn’t it be funny if Google introduced its own phone in 18 months? But that would never happen right? Right?



Can you believe we’re finally seeing the iPhone?


Yup! And yeah, her spin of “they let me choose” was funny but she was — to her credit — very upfront about the fact that they chose not to renew her contract — which, like, you’re the female lead on the show. They fucking fired you.

Yeah, apparently they decided not to renew her contract and then told her she could choose whether Marissa went to sail around on a boat with her dad or die in a fiery car crash. She chose the car crash.

Confession: This was one of the first MP3s I ever downloaded back in 1998 (this was BEFORE Napster). Also on that early list was Monica’s “Angel of Mine,” Britney’s “Baby One More Time” and K-Ci & JoJo’s “All My Life.” I’m only a little ashamed.

What a total cunt. Hugs to you for being the better person. Fuck her.

“Private schools teens are not cool because they are not oppressed. If you went to a school with couches, or free-time, or where you were allowed to call your teacher by your first name, you are not a real teen. You are not cool.”

Now playing

And for the Mac lovers in us all. This Apple infomercial is a favorite. Uploaded in three parts.

I too love the Straight Story, and that was the first film I thought about when I saw the trailer for Nebraska.