
Molybdenum entangles with everything and never comes out. Supposedly it's why they don't put antiseize on anything during manufacturing, because it would eventually corrupt the whole plant and paint shop. 

You buy from a volume Subaru dealer through their internet sales Dept. Grand in Chicago Heuberger in Colorado Springs and there are a few others. People literally fly to Chicago, Grand picks them up at O’Hare and they drive thief new, usually ordered Subaru home for about 11% off MSRP (4% below invoice). I didn’t do

Driving a manual in traffic is only awful if you’re an awful driver. I find I can just cruise in 2nd at the average speed of traffic, say 5-10mph and as long as I’m leaving enough room in front of me, that space cushions any slowdowns. Yes people will cut in front of me, but I just let the space cushion rebuild. It’s

The UK doesn’t have the Pacific Northwest’s stock of fast growing tree farms. Also single family housing is only built to have a practical economic life of 50 years. No one wants old homes here unless they’re really old.