I wonder if they will give Roethlisberger a pass on going into women’s restrooms to rape the shit out of them. Or does that only apply in Georgia.
I wonder if they will give Roethlisberger a pass on going into women’s restrooms to rape the shit out of them. Or does that only apply in Georgia.
He said he wanted to have them all address the convention, to be held next month in Cleveland, as examples of “winners,”
A racist, a cheater, a misogynist, and a douchebag walks into a bar. Bartender says, “Sorry, Mr. Trump, we’re closed.”
I'm starting to think he'll never play in the nfl again.
Vernon’s apparently been doing that to new teammate Jason Pierre-Paul, but it’s admittedly a lot easier to knock things out of his hand (singular).
Whenever your friends suggest an activity that requires a lot of money being spent, suggest something else. If they want to go to a night club, suggest a movie night at home. If they want to go to a ball game, suggest a nice nature hike instead. If they want to go on a trip abroad, suggest spending a long weekend in…
It’s only fair that a Sibley kid took one in the nuts; South St. Paul already had the ass covered.
Honestly, I think it would be almost impossible to do this kind of show without addressing it. It’s a huge issue in the community here (I am local), not because there’s a lot of recruitment going on, but because there has maybe been some recruitment, and we don’t know the story, and we’re trying to figure it out but…
I wouldn’t tweet a thing, just start following depraved porn accounts, racist accounts, etc, and then let somebody else discover it.
Hardcore UFC fans will sleep a lot easier tonight as soon as someone reads this to them.
I’ll have you know that Pitino fucked that whore ON the table - not under it.
That kid has a bright future as a bobblehead doll.
I, for one, am extremely happy to see the NCAA crack down on this kind of nonsense.
I can’t go to my job wearing a horsemask.
Listen, I’m as anti-NCAA as any typical Deadspin lunatic, but you need to respect some basic tenants of decency. In no canonical universe would Tony Stark use that old ass phone.
pretty sure the Umber’s millennial children are in charge now and they thirst for leaders who are more in touch with today’s fast-paced social-media driven society.
you at kinkos straight flipping copies.