Christian Leroux

Don't agree with the rating, but I don't understand why Oliver didn't just stab Slade when he was down… he had no armour, and was temporarily knocked out. I get that he wanted to be the good guy and save a life, but he said himself in the same damn episode that saving one person wasn't as important as saving hundreds

And that's when you play Kass' "you can't play unless you get your hands dirty card." MANY people have won despite having backstabbed the jurers, simply by stressing that the game wasn't personal but required lots of outwitting. You win by making bold moves, and then making others realize that they weren't so pure

Not true one bit. He's been behind almost every strategic move in some form or another. He's very sociable and great at getting people on his side. However, this is starting to bite him in the ass.

Very true, but this move was inevitable. I know that people keep talking about his paranoia, but he was right to be. Everyone knew that he was the head of the snake. What Tony needs to do now is get real tight with the boys. The vote kinda formed a new alliance, and his only means of moving forward is to secure a new

That's exactly how I did it, and I was able to memorize every sequence incredibly easily. The sentences were also super insane and vulgar, which definitely helps. I'd write them down here, but I'd easily offend a few people, but I know that for the "Black Blue Green Blue" sequence at the end, I just came up with