No Way Asshøle

He really went at it with the Monsignor. Wonder what that could mean.

re-read them. both are much more engaging second time around. for one thing, you accept that these are new but important characters, and that the old band has broken up for good.

I married a midget. Why not?

Last two openers: DNA. Walt's downfall. It's all about science, bitch!

Loved Nixonland, great narrative non-fiction. Another great non-fiction read, in fact one of the very best: Ladies and Gentleman, the Bronx is Burning. Forget the ESPN series. This is so much more than baseball: New York City, 1977. Blackout, Son of Sam, Yankees….woven together brilliantly. Just finished the Red

Loved Nixonland, great narrative non-fiction. Another great non-fiction read, in fact one of the very best: Ladies and Gentleman, the Bronx is Burning. Forget the ESPN series. This is so much more than baseball: New York City, 1977. Blackout, Son of Sam, Yankees….woven together brilliantly. Just finished the Red