Lust Envy

Umm, Silmeria was freaking awesome.

Disappointment from it not being this Momo.


He is. Easy to talk to.

Afterwards, I saw next to him at Popeye’s. Cool as fuck, he was. I wish him good luck at Evo.

A couple of weeks ago, I kicked the Destiny habit. I deleted my Destiny only PSN friends, and haven’t felt any sort of need to come back in. As enticing as The Taken King is, I’m 100% done with this iteration of Destiny. I have enjoyed my time with it, but I’m moving on.

Am I the only one hyped that the trailer ran at a full 60fps? PS4 version = 1080p/60fps at all times, confirmed? If so, YES, ALL OF MY YES.

In Crisis Core, it’s shown that Genesis was there in Nibelheim during Sephiroth’s descenet into madness. So yes, Compilation-wise, Genesis IS in the events of FFVII.

How about we wait and see until it’s out before we start panicking?

That’s subjective and varied. I have wanted an FFVII remake since back in the early days of remakes. A remake with all the Compilation stuff added in is exactly how I want it. Square has commited to the compilation canon, and as such, I want them to abide by it. That includes Genesis.

While your argument is sound, each character’s stats led them to have particular strengths and weaknesses. Yes, it isn’t shown upfront, but with a little homework on the character’s stats, you can see that they do have specific class-type strengths and weaknesses. But yes, the Materia system did make it seem like

FFVII was made in 97. There have been quite a number of stuff made AFTER that have fleshed out the FFVII mythology. What you are arguing is the stock game mechnaics and shortcomings. That isn’t the FFVII canon anymore.

Of course, we all know this. I’m speaking canonically, as of current canon, not 1997 FFVII canon.

Sigh, OFFICIALLY, Yuffie and Vincent were NOT at the Norther Crater. Dirge of Cerberus gave us the clear reason why they weren’t in the FFVII final FMV: They were evacuating/investigating Midgar, due to Hojo uploading his consciousness into a computer.

It’d be idiotic of them NOT to incorporate Compilation specific stuff. FFVII’s mythos has changed. Genesis is canon. Time to move on.

No, because Dirge of Cerberus shows/explains perfectly why they weren’t in the end battle. All this game needs to do is give Vincent and Yuffie a final mission away from the party. Like their own specific end boss.

Some people would rather just say her name where it doesn’t sound like a goddamn lisp. She is, and will always be Aeris to me. I’m perfectly aware it’s Aerith, and yet, it sounds so incredibly stupid to my ears, so I’ll remain blissfully incorrect.

If that happens, I think I’ll die.

Wall of text warning.

I never understood why people just HAVE to rage when a remake is announced for a beloved franchise, whether it’s a movie, show, or video game. It’s really quite simple: the original product is STILL there for you to enjoy anytime. A new product, does not negate everything you loved about the

Probably because every damn backroad in the game loinking two towns was a damn casrbon copy of each other. Reusing of assets is what completely turned me off from Xillia 2. I had enough with Xillia 1.