Christian Friis Jensen

My thoughts exactly.

It's pretty easy to wrap your head around it, really.. It's because the "Hard Rock" corporation probably hasn't employed anyone who gives an honest, sincere fuck about music in decades. All trappings of "Rock" is just costuming, no more and no less.

And a comment section that is an eternal dumpster fire. An article like this would reaaallly light a fire under the collective asses of the (if not numerous then certainly VERY vocal) various alt-right dweebs and other cryptofascist dipshits.

*golf clap*

Hetfield's rhythm chops have never been anything less than utterly unfuckwithable.

Two things:
1) "supposed to" is a pretty loose way of defining it and not at all an absolute as I see it. A band where that sort of setup is in place can indeed work, even work really well! With earlier Metallica, Lars' erratic nature almost kept the whole thing from sounding a little too steady. Him being so

The biggest problem with Lars' practice regimen is that he has never really had one, so yeah… There's that.