
Edit: People seem to forget that Jesus didn’t only taught love and mercy, but justice as well. Being God and all He will judge us when we die and the rest of the world when it ends.


Jesus essentially saying “I don’t want to be too clear otherwise everyone will get into heaven”

On number one, the tax was a Jewish temple tax not a Roman one. As he explained to Peter, as the son of God, he was not required to pay the temple tax as it was a tax for God. He compared it to kings and how they don’t tax their sons but rather other people. He then sent Peter to get the money from a fish’s mouth so

Listing your failure to understand, item by item:

Or people just didn’t feel like extending empathy to a plant. I’d imagine if you were some farmer, you’d secretly wished you could just kill a pesky tree without having to chop it down and dig it up.

you do know what “apocryphal” means, right?

The books of the New Testament (and the gnostic Gospels, all of which were written later) are the only source of information we have about the alleged Jesus H. Christ. There is no birth certificate. There are no court records. There are no books by Jesus, and no mention by any writer in the Eastern Roman empire at the

I opened this to be entertained, and it did start off entertaining, but the more I read the more disheartened I became.

I’ll probably be raked over the coals, made fun of, or run out on a rail for acknowledging my Christian faith because that’s how io9 rolls.... But I still stop by every week because I don’t think everyone has to believe the way I do (not to mention that I love most of what is posted in regards to history, science, and

I’m glad you included the word “apocryphal” in there. I’m sure you know that means non-canonical. Which means that most of the world accepts that that never happened.

Slightly funny article. Mostly just blindingly incorrect. Understand your source material before you lampoon it.

Wow, this is just unbelievably terrible on so many levels. I get the snark and the trolling, I just wish you realized this is exactly what it’s like when Christian bloggers issue snappy take downs of evolutionary biology or subjects they know nothing about except what they hear in their opinion echo-chamber.

My pastor actually used this meme in his message a couple of weeks ago.