
Yeah I’m the same person I would love to see you try to throw a rock at me the problem is you’re reading a bogus news feed nobody ever told the guy he had to buy a car the guy was pissed off he got a $5 Walmart gift card and I wasn’t even his salesman black girl was he left came back and hit me with his car he’s a

Well if I was his sales rep and I thought he had a problem with me I would have defended myself I wasn’t he said he was never told he had to buy a car to get a prize he was mad he only want a $5 gift card and came back and hit me with the car the source of news that you’re reading is worthless if you want the real

You’re reading a bogus news feed so don’t get upset over it read Fox 4 they based it off the police report the gentleman that got arrested never said he was told he had to buy a car to claim his prize he said he was mad he only won $5 and he misunderstood the flyer and thought he won $1,000 gas card you need to find a

The gentleman that was arrested never said that he was told he had to buy a car that is the interpretation of this nutrient facts for they base their Newsfeed off of the actual police report I am the victim in this I didn’t even wait on the gentleman he was pissed off that all he got was a $5 Walmart gift card know

Nowhere in the flyer doesn’t say you have to buy a car this gentleman did not say that someone told him he had to buy a car and that’s why he was mad he was mad that he only won a $5 gift card this news feed you’re reading that was their interpretation of the police report the facts if you want to know what happened

They didn’t we were doing an event sell the customer was never told he had to buy a car and he never said that in the police report that is the news feed you are reading in their interpretation of it the customer was mad that he only won a $5 gift card and I was not even his sales rep on the one he hit with his car

You don’t know the story, had nothing to do with Nissan, no one told him he had to buy a car, and he never made that statement, that is how this news feed wrote it, read fox news, they got the story off the police report and no where does it say any of this, and I didn’t even wait on the customer someone else did I’m

Misinformation, he was given a prize by another Sales rep, I never met the angry man till he hit me with his car

Sadly this news feed is 100% wrong, no one told him he had to purchase anything, he was given a 5 dollar walmart gift card and that wasn’t enough for him, and I wasn’t his salesman

Not the case here, he was given his prize of 5 dollar walmart gift card, and wasn’t happy with that, and I was not even his salesman

U read a bad accnt of the story, he was given his prize, a 5 dollar gift card

If you would like to try it, gimme a call, I just hope your not 83 as well

This man was never told by anyone he had to buy a car to get a prize, the victim here, me, wasn’t even his salesman and had nothing to do with it, he was given a 5 dollar walmart card and he felt he shoulda won something else, he then ranted screaming obscenities for 10 minutes in front of women and children at the

I am the victim here, the police media got this story wrong, I was not his salesman Rep, he was given a 5 dollar walmart gift card and became irate that that was all he won and screamed profanity for 15 minutes b4 he left, he came back 10 minutes later, saw me standing by the sales tent and swerved at me hitting me