Mmmm... I think it’s more like “Of course Harrison Ford fucked 19 year old Carrie Fisher”, but I guess I’ve never been as in love with Ford as everyone else.
Mmmm... I think it’s more like “Of course Harrison Ford fucked 19 year old Carrie Fisher”, but I guess I’ve never been as in love with Ford as everyone else.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo she was a 19 year old drug addict and he was 34 and married. No wonder Carrie Fisher always finds ways to emphasize that Harrison Ford is a douche biscuit.
At long last, news that make sense in the world. Who wouldn’t have hit that? Good for you, Carrie. Good for you.
I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost…
I’m not even mad at her.
the first tweet. omgodz. i love her.
I know their actual names are in the headline, but I literally still somehow read this as “Of Course Leia Fucked Han Solo,” and I was like.....well, yeah. Who ever doubted that?
The gaslight presidency rolls on!
Kellyanne told him he could have the password to his Twitter account back as soon as he voted.
Donald sucks and is an entitled little man-baby. All that said, I would think that the secret service would not be happy about him standing in line in a public place for a prolonged period of time. This doesn’t seem all that unreasonable to me.
As a New Yorker, there is few offenses greater than cutting a fucking line. What a schmuck.
Chapelle was punching down when he mansplained/defended a man who clearly admitted to what amounts to sexual assault. He was punching down when he told groups of minorities to be ashamed of themselves for what amounts to fighting for their civil rights.
My immediate response as a Black woman was fuck you, Dave Chappelle.
Let’s note the very different takes from Jezebel on two very similar events here. Amy Schumer mocks Trump at a show and gets positive coverage; Dave Chapelle mocks Hillary at a show and gets negative coverage.
Right? I was reading that and thinking, so what does he want a black lesbian to do? Turn herself into a straight, black man?
Right? My immediate reaction was wondering* how black women felt about that statement. And like— black people don’t experience the impact of homophobia, transphobia...?
Regarding Chapelle’s comment about people being rights activists on topics other than race.
Because you can only ever care about one set of rights at once. Also, people can never be part of more than one category of discriminated-against persons. No siree. Laverne Cox is just an elegant figment of our collective imaginations. /s
‘And when you’re a star, they let you do it.’ That phrase implies consent.