
I think on some level, many people don’t believe Hillary Clinton would be running the country. They think Bill Clinton would be running the country and Hillary would be his mouthpiece, because Hillary doesn’t have a penis, and whoever heard of someone without a penis running things?

So very well said, I hope this gets a million stars.

As a former ballet dancer, ballet dancers are the worst when it comes to this shit. The offense they took when they found out I let friends wear my toe shoes for shits and giggles omggggg the drama you’d think I’d let a peasant sit on the Iron Throne.

Ya know what, Kendall? I don’t fucking get it, either.

I have nothing of substance to contribute to the Jenner article. I shamelessly love ballet so enjoy the gifs.

Jeeeeesus Ballet-Dancing Christ! It is NOT cultural appropriation, and to call it such, just like when people call The Big Bang Theory “nerd minstrel” and carp about how that’s not what nerds/geeks are actually like (despite there being a broad and not entirely definable spectrum), is an insult to actual cultural

If she had said something like “oh, being a ballerina would be SOOO easy, lalala”, or claimed that she actually is a ballerina, then I could understand the ire, but getting mad at a model for dressing up in some ballet gear and getting her picture taken is ridiculous. Do pro dancers reserve this same level of rage for

It definitely does. She’s pointing to how silly it is that while other people are managing the “normal” complexities of life, she’s dealing with upsetting a group for a totally irrational reason.

As a balletomane (who never had a chance b/c of flat feet and no turnout), I don’t really care about this “controversy”. However, I will say that I can think of some ballerinas that would totally fit in w/ fashion mags and have physiques different from models’ (diversity is always good)....

Land on your feet songbird. James Packer doesn’t deserve your pure fantasticalness.

OH MY GOD, models dress up for a look. It’s shit like this that gives baby boomers justification for saying everyone’s too touchy.


I never realized ballerinas could be such pussies.

People who fetishise people are gross. People are not objects.

Why are they getting disdain from average sized women? They can have whatever partners they want. We are so bitchy sometimes.

I have a lady friend who writes lesbian bdsm Sarah Palin fiction. She’s super-duper liberal. There’s no accounting for taste.

I love that Gonnagitcha pose! Prescient?

My guess is she’s watching the GOP brass to see where the wind is blowing in regards to what she may need to support or deal with in the future. Will it only be a little exasperating or will it drive her bonkers and she’s better off leaving?

She gave an interview where she said her current hours were difficult. She was leaving for work right before her young kids got home from school and didn’t get to spend much time with them. I imagine that’s part of it.

Seconded. Sure, we all loved her takedown of Newt, but it was like seeing Alien vs. Predator. No matter which one wins, it was going to immediately turn and attack you next.