I once stood behind Ann Coulter on line at a supermarket checkout. It took me all my strength not to throw my produce at her.
I once stood behind Ann Coulter on line at a supermarket checkout. It took me all my strength not to throw my produce at her.
She seems very lean and sinewy....like wild game. I would suggest steaming would be preferable to roasting.
Jewel’s response is lovely:
Whatever you do, though, please do not harass his staff. They had nothing to do with his idiotic decision and shouldn’t have to deal with the fallout. As someone who works for the court system, we don’t always agree with the judges we work for but we still have to do our job.
I mean.... 12 days... pistol whip... staple... and he’s not considered a sufficient danger to the community to get prison time? Jesus WEPT.
But, you see, it’s not the safety of women that matter, just the safety of men, and that man couldn’t have been safe in the prison system!
I hope this true but I won’t be surprised if he’s back to moderating a subreddit in a few years
They trusted a piece of plastic to protect the life of a woman.
HOW FUCKING BRAVE AND SMART SHE WAS TO GET AWAY THE FIRST TIME!! Our criminal justice system let her down so fucking much.
Yeah, there are definitely issues with requiring too much bail or not offering it at all in the US, but christ how was this not a no bail situation?
The worst part? His core staff is made up entirely of women. I hope they all quit in protest.
Yeah a guy who keeps his wife hostage for twelve days hits her in the head with a handgun staples her head wound shut and brands her is the type who will let an ankle monitor stop him from getting what he wants.... Suuuuuuuure.
TWELVE DAYS! She must have been so terrified. And then to have him come after her again... The justice system let her down in every way.
Welcome to Pennsyltucky,
It is incomprehensible to me that this man was given bail or bond in the first place simply as a matter of public safety.
There are many steps where things went horribly wrong with the system here, but what’s the value of an electronic monitor that doesn’t alert anyone? (Zero, by the way. It’s value is zero.) Even if $100k bail were reasonable in this case, that is premised on, apparently, monitoring/house arrest. If that’s not a viable…
Outrageous and horrifying. Bumping your comment up.
In a story where every detail is horrifying this one stands out
Annnnd here is the contact information for the hon. Judge Gary J. Gilman, if you would care to voice your displeasure at his less than judicious ruling to allow a violent criminal who posed an active danger to another person free:
Wow, of all the circumstances to not offer bail, an armed domestic abuser who has already kidnapped and tortured his wife once is it. Absolutely ridiculous.