
It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country - with a language barrier - and have a stranger point a gun at your and demand money to let you leave

Discount Dave Franco.

He looks about 14. Hard pass.

Those look like two different guys... A guy I worked with once was totally hot so long as he didn’t smile, then he just looked like a complete doofus. It became charming, but it was a bit of a shock the first time I witnessed the transition...

Yep. Had a roommate do this to me. He was even nice enough to leave a note on the door telling me and our other roommate to not come home tonight. Fortunately, the ONLY window in the apartment that was opened was the one to his bedroom. So, I crawled in through the window, spent a minute critiquing his performance

If someone locks me out I will lose my damn mind. Much less if it’s because you want to get laid. Not cool regardless of who does it.

She’s basically a cat.

I saw a breakdown of her signature layout (two flips + one full twist) with a graphic of the physics involved. The conclusion was that it only works because of her combination of extraordinary strength coupled with her short stature. Had she been even slightly taller, she’d bust out of the floor outlines. She’s also

She’s so tiny. Gymnasts are usually short but to see her being dwarfed by her competitors tells me that she could probably ride in Michael Phelps’ pocket. If she wins any more gold, they could probably melt them down and make a life size replica of her.

Maybe I just think the worst (15 yrs as a treatment provider will do that), but I would not be surprised if it came out that he was a product of incest that she was a victim of. People don’t get the idea that this is ok from nowhere, conscious or unconscious. If you are not upset when you find out you’re in a GSA

I didn’t know that about holy water. Yuck.

Mares has two other children, nine and 12, who apparently don’t have a problem with her relationship with Peterson.

Nothing close to gay marriage....

I feel like *she* should be punished but not him. Like, the younger person in these cases is always like “it’s so nice to have someone take care of me and love me!” and the older person is like “and then I knew we had to hook up”. It’s a misinterpretation of the parent-child bond.

I can’t believe we’ve made it this far with at least Donald and Ivanka joke

Mares is not allowed to see Peterson or any of her other children. She doesn’t seem to care.

This seems to happen a lot, and considering that child-parent separation is more common now than ever, awareness definitely needs to be raised. I stopped seeing my birth father after we connected when I was 16 because I had the gross suspicion that he was developing a romantic attachment to me, and if my overwhelming

Clarification - it’s bullshit for the law to make it a crime on his part. If there's a victim, it's him.

The article say that she would be willing to give up her other children to be with him. So I’m gonna go with nope. Not ok.

Cue conservatives saying “See what Gay marriage opened the door for?!”
I just...ew. It seems yucky, and so radically different and un-comparable to same sex attraction. Maybe I’m on “the wrong side of history” but that’s my initial reaction.