
Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?

I mean, I think what he’s saying is, if the accusations were on the internet, he wouldn’t have seen them, because he’s an old.

I don’t know if it is my love for Stewart clouding my judgement, but it seriously just sounds like he admitted to never hearing those rumors before, which is believable because the only reason I know of those rumors is because of this site.

That isn’t slut shaming. That’s fucking a married person shaming, which is a shitty thing to do regardless of your gender. It is quite relevant because Stewart apparently only empathizes with people she can “personalize,” whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean, something akin to “know” I suppose.

Same here. And to be honest, I still wrestle with the fact that Annie Hall is one of my all time favorite movies, but I don’t try to justify loving that movie by saying “Well, I don’t know the people who made these allegations about him so I guess I can’t judge!” I just acknowledge that fact that horrible people can

I think - and I could be mistaken - that the author is saying that having people talk shit because you slept with a married dude is not on the same plane as the decades of allegations brought against Allen if we’re comparing how rumors can mess up your life, not to mention how we would view those individual “sins.”

Rape culture, everybody.

This is Dwayne Wade crying during the National Anthem before a playoff game why? He had just read an interview of Prince where he said Wade was his favorite basketball player Prince was an amazing human being

Having worked pretty extensively with celeb handler types in the past, I wouldn’t be shocked to learned this was their zealousness rather than Prince’s (or the zealousness of the New Girl people obsessed with keeping him happy after taking an off-handed remark too seriously, because it goes the other way, too). I once

It was such a sweet episode - I had already given up on New Girl, but made sure to watch this one. I immediately rewatched when Prince had died. Eat your pancake!

Get your animal fixed people!

have you called the local animal welfare office? no one should have 300 cats unless you are an animal shelter.

They’re technically hoarders; they’re not evil people, just sick. They probably lack the resources and/or the awareness to get help.

Get your animal fixed people!

grabbed a silver tray off a table

Ohhhhhh duhhhhhhh. Gawd, how many times am I going to feel dumb today? I will blame this second goof on the fact that I have a cold from hell and my head feels like it weighs 37 lbs. Thank you.


“take off your pants and jack it”

Take Off Your Pants and Jacket is a play on words