
Except experts and heads at tissue repositories for research have all said that the figures discussed in that (highly edited) video are at cost for shipping/at a loss. PP is selling them but not profiting from it (wow, there’s a difference!) what does this mean? It means there’s no incentive to encourage abortions

Oof maybe you’re lucky. I’ve smelled some ripe ones. But exclusive breastfeeding doesn’t always coincide with all diaper wearing, which just seems to make the point moot. There are lots of super offensive diapers out there (though I'll admit I've been told I have a super nose—but the other moms seemed to be just as

That is so not remotely true... I just spent the week with my mom friends and their children (ages 1-3). The youngest still breastfeeding had some of the most disgusting smelling diapers. Like the other moms asked if we could put a recepticle outside because the smell was penetrating every room.

Which is all well and good, but I think in the moment that I’m suddenly near a thrashing shark, I’m probably not going to have the time to figure out if it’s stuck and fleeing, if it may try to bite through the cord to get loose (and accidentally get me), or if it’s a situation where it may be mistaking me for food.

Yeah but a) in the moment would you have the presence of mind to distinguish whether it was going to bite you? B) if the shark was frwaking out, it could have still resorted to attacking (like many animals when they feel threatened or panicked)

PA and Jersey towns surrounding Philly are full of these people. I went to college with them and berated them drunkenly more than once...

Daaaammmmn. I was on vacation and missed this call for stories. I proposed so good to my husband 😂

Logan and Jess were pretty even for me.

Well played people are a monolith! If one is cool with my racist language it just gets back to all of them that it’s AOK, right?!

Yea and Colin would/is probably aghast at his brother based on his work and social circles. I wonder what their sibling interactions are like.

I agree, which is why I was a little surprised at some people’s reactions to his statement. It doesn't make him sexist or racist...

Oh I totally agree. Us olds sometimes forget there's a learning curve 😉

And in context about his daughter calling something sexist, he wasn’t wrong. Her mother likely would have said something similar to a teenage boy. Just remarking on romantic interests at that age.

The “I’m confused by this argument” was in re: the actual unofficial Megyn Kelly page post (what @charmed212x posted and you responded to). I should have specifically referenced it because if you hadn’t skimmed it, my comment is out of nowhere-sorry about that! I was basically agreeing with you.

I wish.

It’s not letting me see exactly what comment it was replying to-so it’s one of two things:

Jesus. Well done. That comment actually made my uterus cramp up a little! Gag

I’m really confused by the “lots of teenagers get pregnant and it’s not consent just because the other is under 18...” Wait what? Yes, both being age does not negate the possibility of rape, but both being under 18 DOES mean it’s not statutory and there can be legal consent...

Yea!! Isn’t that fucking horrifying ?!?!