
Also the lack of electrical outlets and a place to put bottles, a place to sit, people who actually need to use the toilet...

Anyone who thinks that pumping in a bathroom is a viable option clearly has never had a newborn infant.

I worked in an old school where my options were kicking someone out of their office or in a stall in the bathroom we shared with the kids. I ended up pumping in the car.

Man was Tidal a real disaster, it’s actually gotten better but it lost a lot of people early on bc the format was badddd, now it’s ok but too little too late.

They’ll pay her in lossless copies of “Lemonade” and “Rebel Heart.”

Does Tidal even have any money money to pay a settlement with this poor woman?

It’s actually just a big misunderstanding. They thought she asked for a “Pump It” room and figured she was committing corporate espionage on behalf of the Black Eye Peas.

I've worked with a lot of 7-year-olds who are big fans

yep yep yep. that is THE fucking key. i’ve said it time and time again on this site. black people love giving white people props even if they’re just good, and not great, at whatever black cultural expression they’re doing. go to an hbcu and see a white girl with some rhythm. Black people will gas her THEE fuck up. Go

Everything, literally EVERYTHING about Meghan Trainor said “one-hit wonder” and yet she is still here, annoying us...forever.

The price is silly, sure, but it sounds like kind of a great option if you’re moving to a new city and immediately want some social connections. I also presume that there are cleaners and maintenance is taken care of automatically, which takes out a lot of the risk and annoyance of living with random strangers who

While this isn’t for me, the less-snarky aspect is that it is encouraging community in a society that is ever-more less-communal. As a young adult after college I moved to the other side of the country, lived alone, and had no community. This is one positive side of housing like this.

Ugh, you just know that Mr. Peanut photoshopped that thigh gap.