Still gonna be 10x better than the underwater shitfest that was Aquaman.
Still gonna be 10x better than the underwater shitfest that was Aquaman.
“Chiltons guide for F-16 Shooty Things Maintenance”
Kinja is basically the Belgian F16 technician of commenting systems.
On the plus side if he loses his job he’ll have an easy time getting work for Michael Bay
Is there a way to force her into the embassy and then seal both of them up in it permanently?
Someone is missing from this story. Go through Kramer’s imdb page. What’s the common thread? Who in that list would have the power to make a producer ignore these allegations?
Your comment makes no sense. What are you saying exactly? The director and the stunt coordinator were in cahoots to sexually assault people? The writer would have put the scene in there and James Cameron directed it. A grown woman dancing seductively for a movie scene shouldn’t be in the same category as a little girl…
Nobody ever invites me to join sex cults :(
I have read numerous articles about this thing and I still can’t figure out what the hell is going on.
Don’t worry; they plan on coming out with a new cult with a much easier method of interaction with the public, based on selling the women they have collected. It’ll be called “Vendo in Nomine Domini Obsequiosum Vestrum Sororium”.
“I don’t believe that Chloe from ‘Smallville’ is a recruiter for a sex cult” is a sentence I didn’t know I wouldn’t anticipate writing, yet here we are.
Hey to be fair, making a sitcom about your ex is a much healthier way to deal with lingering feelings than being a creepy stalker or something.
“Oh, that. Yeah, the Skipper flies it whenever he gets laid in port call.”
Daenerys — on a blood-soaked tundra — with a dragon. And tits.
Could he have, though? With the way this country is going, tape of him saying the n-word may have actually given Trump more support with his base.
Please don’t insult pornography by comparing it to Fox News.
How does a fathers bad mouthing the mother hurt the child? 100% honest question I have a young child and I absolutely hate his mother.
Whats worse than a bus full of German tourists? A bus full of stinky German tourists.