Or saying Jehovah, if I recall Life of Brian correctly.
Umm ... _hopefully_ you don't
24,000 parts, but one Jesus bolt, right? I met a guy who translated a manual into Hebrew for the Israelis, and he said they were amused at the term.
I like the character, I think she was a prerequisite for Winter Soldier working as well as it did, but whenever she starts talking about her history, I want to fast-forward. They should stop trying to make her a tragic figure and just let her run amok, see if Captain Steroids can keep up.
You kinda need to sleep with one eye open from the wedding onward, at least whenever you say something to cause her to glare at you in fury like Ferris Bueller’s sister.
To claim that the survey shows men want wives to be obedient - the headline here - is to lie. The actual survey asked the guy to select 2 or 3 qualities that he most wants in his wife and and in his daughters. Given a laundry list of traits and told to select the most important 3, 3/4 of the guys included…
Does he have a bad cough?
Hanna-Barbarism: you're lucky the wheels spun.
Velma still in the closet?
You don’t know shit, Jon Snow.
No, no, no! It doesn't hang together if you actually think it through! You can't do that.
Don't they shoot you at sunrise for throwing FOD onto a carrier deck?
Married a woman diagnosed as bipolar; I hid that from my family. I really fell apart the first two times she went manic. During the 5th or so manic episode, year 17 together, the marriage took a big hit in that she refused to stop meeting guys in bars; our daughter and I moved out. I would have tried to patch things…
That's not a Tacoma, but Tacomas do that all by themselves.
You obviously had less to gripe about than the wives in my neighborhood.
"how to make those goddamned wives happy" : I think it's what the wife did to her husband in "Gone Girl". Hopefully not what she did to Dougie Howser.
Isn't that called weekly book club?