whoa there, fat cat. why the hell are you paying 35 cents for wire hangers??
whoa there, fat cat. why the hell are you paying 35 cents for wire hangers??
Ref-er-REE: That's not a straight red! c'mon you cunt!
dem arm bones
saggy skin comes from subcutaneous fat not how quickly you lose weight.
evil persists when people on the internet get butthurt over obvious jokes.
Large bottles of fizzy water that do not go flat before I have a chance to drink it all. I'm sorry Palestine :(
you can fit a regular nozzle on their tanks so it doesn't cost 15 dollars.... I haven't done it yet but there's tons of crap on t'internet
The refill cartridges are expensive, but there is a way to gerryrig them to get rid of the proprietary nozzle and get them filled for cheaper at any regular shop for that sort of thing. That way, it's less Palestinian babies you're killing.
I think it's because she fundamentally doesn't agree. We've all seen people dump sponsorships because of political pressure they didn't realize the issues. She's obviously pro-Israel and doesn't agree. It's kinda crappy.
I mean like the opposite actually. I get store brand 1-ply 1000 sheet ass sandpaper (I love it it makes me feel so much cleaner than that soft shit). It's almost never on sale... so I'm never attracted to buy it until I need it.
Do you mean you haven't seen LED outlast CFL's or old style incandescent? A scented candle can outlast old style incandescent.
I stock up on cleaning supplies when they're on sale, but I always find myself running out of TP and paper towels. The brands I use in that stuff is never on sale....and I never think to get it until I'm out.
I would love to see something to this point. If you find anything link it here please :D
The shirt did need to be pulled up... before the picture was taken!
Law and Order, fuckers.
GenX?? I'm surprised you can type and feed yourself, whippersnapper!
Not douchier. Douche conjures up images of date raping frat bros/bankers. New York and Chicago have too many investment people to not be douchier than philly.
Come to Philly. We got horses roaming the streets; we're warmer than Chicago and cheaper than New York.