
She looks great but that dress is not doing her ANY FAVORS. It's ill fitting. I hope that's not "body snarking."

Not her fault... late at night I'd probably call police if someone was knocking on my door like mad. Though I don't know now.... I'd feel bad if I got someone killed.

As a Philadelphian, I refuse to believe this wasn't an Eagles fan. I've heard they throw snow balls at Santa

Not to downplay a big move, but Colorado to Washington isn't cross-country.

Hahahaha I never really rated him but I didn't realize his career was over already.


I've seen it before—in South Philly. :(

This just in: South Philly Racists are Racist.

Knitting doesn't really take much attention away from the game...

Yeah.. I didn't catch on until the second email that you meant child sarcastically....

That blows my mind. Thanks.

Also, the fact that this is 2013 and 66 is no longer old enough to brush off racism as "that's how they grew up." She was born in the late 40s not the late 20s.

Not like it was Alton Brown though...

They might actually have to find a black chef to cook down home southern food now!! *gasp*

I feel dirty for thinking the guy was black and not "entitled white" before seeing the picture. :(

this is true! There always seems to be more purple and orange than good flavors

The corners of my lips are raw just looking at this picture

Get it sorted quickly! I have osteoarthrosis in my lumbar spine at 32 years old, due to chronic bad posture (and genetics but the posture exasperated it).

I'd like to read the comments and I can't find them. How did you read them?