should have gone for "Mahering" +1/2
should have gone for "Mahering" +1/2
Doesn't Maher complain about athletes getting paid more than teachers or some such hippie stuff?
I'm always torn when shit like this happens. Like I feel sorry for the kid, and think adults should group up, but at the same time I wonder "why should kids get all the cool shit that adults want, just because they're kids?" Kids aren't even real people, yet.
bothers me a lot
no. that's a horrible idea.
I hate to get into "who looks more white" pissing contest, but that girl looks "european" to me. She looks Mediterranean
Darlin, I know it seems like a big difference now, but I really can't tell the difference between a 16 and 20 year old girl. (Unless it's a particularly young looking 16 year old). Y'all are in this big glob of "young adult/teenagers" to me.)
good prediction there m8
I love both.. but yes I don't get that mentality
"200 miligrams right off the bat" is going into my facebook quote section. I wish I was still in high school so that I can put that under my photo
"you might not see anything worth sending in July, July, or August." #corrections
At the mothership the whole starred unstarred thing went away so...maybe?
I rarely drive steamboats, Dad. There's a lot of shit you don't know about me. Quit trying to act like I'm a steamboat operator.
carlo's bakery is around there #fatkid
I do this often but I get annoyed at having to click the "are you sure" nonsense every time so I don't get much accomplished.. too much clicking
i'll kick xabi alonso in the chest as many times as he wants