
I think John Kelly is the most likely source for the bulk of story (likely indirectly), and he has little to lose career wise by going on the record.

It just occurred to me that if something like that actually happened, his base would get riled up over conspiracy theories about an assassination attempt...

We don’t need a martyr.

I’m going to go out on a limb here. I’m not a psychologist, and I don’t play one on TV, but I have a couple of ideas.

When those on the right whine about this article being based on anonymous sources, keep in mind that Trump is NOTORIOUSLY vindictive, and anyone who dared speak against him would wind up with their career a smoking ruin, just like LTC Alexander Vindman.

Fortunately, veterans like myself and current service members picked up on this character trait relatively early and Donald Trump is not popular with the military. Unfortunately our patriotic conservative family members have decided we suck for not actually loving (Trump) America and accuse us of being naive idiots

No, you can apply for a mail-in ballot and not use it. They have barcodes or other tracking number type things that are recorded when the ballot is then received. If it’s not received, and you vote in person, then that vote will count and if, for whatever reason, you had indeed mailed in your ballot, it will then

My question is, I’ve been getting emails and paper mails and all sorts of ads advising me to apply for a mail-in ballot in Florida. But suppose I do what they suggest, and then decide to vote in person, as I’ve been doing since the 1970s. Would the fact that I applied for a mail-in ballot mean that my in-person vote

I don’t think you’ve got this quite right.

It’s obviously not peaceful if they’re holding up signs that say mean things about his boss. I’m sure that’s in the Bill of Rights somewhere.

C’mon, you and I both know they weren’t peaceful protesters because peaceful protesters don’t exist in the minds of republicans. 

President Trump and I will always support the right of Americans to peacefully protest.

Sieg Kyle

I’ve worked on all of those areas, and no, their job is not to go all around the parking lot to pick up carts, it’s simply to make sure there’s enough carts available inside for new customers. It’s also not their only job, for me it wasn’t even my primary job.

Yes, it’s someone’s job to pickup carts left by assholes. That doesn’t mean it is their only job, just the job they have to do when assholes visit the store. Same goes for people who deposit their garbage in overflowing street bins instead of taking it home like a normal person. Or toss their butts on the sidewalk. Or

He’s praised both Toad Dick and Rand Paul in his previous run as a write in candidate. He’s clearly trying to muddy the waters with this “both parties have good people in them” shit. This is how they get their foot in the door. Act like the bad guys really aren’t so bad. And that “both sides have some good ideas”. It’s

I’ve read other articles about this punk. He’s run before as a Trumper. This isn’t his first stunt. He’s trying to put the democrats in a no win situation. If we refuse to seat him, they’ll accuse us of “age discrimination” or whatever bullshit thing they can come up with. If we DO seat him, they’ll point to his past

Are we sure this creature isn’t a Russian bot? Honestly, this shit is right out of their playbook.