
“They were saying the other night, the shark. They were saying, ‘Sharks, we have to protect them.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute, wait,’” said Trump. “They actually want to remove all the seals in order to save the shark. I said, ‘Wait, don’t you have it the other way around?’ It’s true, I’m not a big fan of sharks

Eh, I’ll take it. I don’t care if they hold their noses while voting for him... as long as they vote for him. I don’t need everyone to love him.

They’re absolutely scrambling to figure out what to use against him now that he delivered a good speech and hardly fumbled. You can tell they were expecting it to be a flop.

He did do what he needed to do: Give a clear, steadfast speech. PLUS, the Republicans can’t play the “he’s a senile dummy” card nearly as easily anymore, and even the president had a weak response. The bar was on the floor, he did a good job. What else do you want me to say?

the blogger just did what they had to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Kind of getting old, the bratty pessimism they constantly throw out to the wind

It really is a pipe dream.  At best, we might come out of this election with Congress, POTUS, and a slim majority in the senate.  M4A will NEVER pass through even a comfortable majority Dem senate.  We would have to hold close to a super majority in the senate before M4A ever became a realistic possibility with a

M4A is a pipe dream. It’s pretty obvious from the tone of this article how difficult it was for you to offer lukewarm praise for the man you claim you’ll be voting for. This was one of the best acceptance speeches we’ve ever seen from a nominee and certainly the best speech Biden has ever delivered. I don’t know if

Even now, the best that Jezebel can do is deliver snide, passive-aggressive “praise”. He “did what he needed to do” says it all.

Wow. Faux News had Donnie the Con all teed up to take potshots at Biden and he flubbed it? With a fawning facilitator and doubtlessly his key White House and campaign staff behind him?

“To bring Control to next generation consoles in any form, we had to make some difficult decisions and those came in the form of creating the simplified Control Ultimate Edition product plan we have today,” 505 Games wrote in its post. “We are sorry we couldn’t meet everyone’s expectations and we hope you will

1000% this libertarians are just republicans who want attention

Jezebel now smears Susan B Anthony because Trump ‘likes’ her (not really, but he would others believe so). So it’s another case of the friend of my enemy is my enemy too?

I’ve read two comments correcting this article so far.

I wonder what Trump’s trying to distract from, today. Hmmm... I’m just gonna check in on the Senate Intelligence Committee, for funsies. Surely, nothing disastrous has happened over the— oh dear god.

So glad she mentioned the third-party voters, because I don’t think they get enough attention for what happened in 2016. The Johnson campaign regularly said they thought they were pulling support equally from would-be Trump supporters and would-be Clinton voters, while Stein’s campaign made a constant, explicit appeal

Michelle: This is the most important time to be elect Biden because it can get far worse. Keep going high, y’all!

Well Melania knows full well that her spouse is a lying, cheating bastard with a small penis and a rat’s nest for hair. And yet, she is still there, so either she is fine and dandy with it all or she is an extreme victim of Stockholm syndrome.