

“This is an Avatar.

That fake out was what ended TWD for me.

I love that we’re all Good Place swearing now. 

She needs to just forking kill him already.

“Young children can get seriously sick and easily spread Crypto. They don’t know how to use the toilet and wash their hands

I wish Nathan all of the luck Ryan Reynolds had when he dropped a Deadpool short.

Thank you jcheyney, I’m tired of my religious beliefs being represented by extremist, hypocritical, loud mouths. You put it perfectly.

As a Christian who celebrates Easter and the risen Savior, I do not expect a corporation like Google to provide me with my religious affirmations. I expect them to provide me with a service.

Uber is not “subsidizing” it’s drivers - let’s make that clear. If anything drivers are the ones subsidizing Uber since they provide the vehicle and bear the cost of phone bills, insurance, maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Uber has essentially no overhead to pay except for its legislative legal agenda. The