
This shows you should carry a gun. They might make it out the door, but they wouldn't make it very far :)!

The people who take care of their kids wouldn't be complaining about it. Do some parenting and it wouldn't be an issue!

If this were an Apple OS then it would be the best thing since sliced bread according to Giz.

Beat me to it! I love this movie!

Is it really worth getting shot for trying to rip a phone off of someone? My opinion using a dollar bullet is cheaper than replacing the phone :).

You must have a ancient pc!

If some one else paid for it I would give it a try. The amount of safety checks they do I wouldn't be terribly afraid.

Its Apples fault they don't have Google's maps. I have no sympathy for Apple on this.

I could take your word for it but I wont. I love apple products, but I'm still unable to bring myself to buy a piece of outdated tech sold as revolutionary. Like it or hate the S3 had some pretty revolutionary stuff going on with it. So basically what I'm saying is quit kissing Apple's ass nothing in this phone

But it just works!

Sorry I can't seem to edit my screwed up gramar!

This bias towards apple almost makes me want to discard this macbook I'm typing on and never get another one. Seriously question are you guys still trying to make it up to Apple for that Iphone incident from so long ago? I don't think its helping.

Too bad samsung didn't mark up their product to make up for being screwed over in court.

It would be as innovative as Ford holding a patent on 4 wheels and a body for a car. If Apple wants to be innovative then they need to innovate and quit trying to sue everyone out of being competitive.

Sounds more like Gizmodo is trying to get back into the good graces of Apple with all this mud slinging!(Don't flame me for apple hating, I wrote this on a Mac)

I hear the modem sounds quit regularly the handshake, kissoff, and the occasional busy signal. Its still a pretty common way of equipment to communicate that doesn't require a high speed connection. It is very useful for something you need to be able to communicate with out worrying about modems going off line due

Alienware, dell, and Asus have been doing this. I know I have seen it on a pentium 4 and it is on my Alienware M15X with the core I7 I don't really understand this being new is there something that I don't see that makes it different?

I love Kershaw knives especially the blackout plain. They come with a lifetime warranty. I use mine a lot at work and the open assist is great 10 years so far on one of mine and I use it almost every day.

I sharpen my knives with porcelain rods out of some old industrial light bulbs, I believe they were mercury vapor or high pressure sodium bulbs. Puts an edge on a knife like you wouldn't believe. I do have to use a wetstone first if I let the edge go for to long.