
Its ant-consumer because they are taking away what you the consumer purchased and expected. This is like going to an all you can eat buffet and being told that someone else ate a lot of food before you so they are limiting the portions, but it will cost you the same as the guy who ate every damn thing.

Pleas don't ban me for this one, but I have to. DOES IT BLEND?

How is in an abomination if people are liking it. I personally have the Droid Razr and would not trade it for anything. Your typical iphone user if it isn't apple shape and size its not a good phone right? How bout we put our phones through some drop tests and see if your glass phone holds up? I had to reset my

As much as this guy is a hero for diving in for his friend/coworker he is probably gonna get a severe reprimand or termination for this as it is against every safety regulation. This kind of stuff happens more offen than you think in these type of environments it just doesn't usually get this kind of publicity.

Most likely if they were working in an environment like that they were well briefed on the dangers in the plant. You would not believe the safety regs in plants now days. Its the main reason I got out of the industrial electrical business, it got to the point that it is very difficult to even do your job. You don't

Yup all you need right there. Of course coming from an electrician back ground I say they make the best tools!

A typical security system has a siren between 80-95 decibals which the government allow over 98 I believe (but I'm no dragging out the books to check). So how could you legally use something that loud in public when its not even aloud in your house? I don't understand why you would need this at all, but I would take

I thought in Russia the software pirated you? Sorry I couldn't resist.

You really should lower that to 20 I'm only 26 and I grew up listening to them. I mean they had a new album out pretty recently I think it was the middle of 2011 so they have stayed very current.

You got to love these guys!

Thats a load of shit they offered unlimited data to suck users into smart phones. They would have never taken off like they did with out it. Verizon's practice was the same which is why I am stuck with them now because I will not have a smart phone with out unlimited data. And for those of you saying go with

Wouldn't it be harder to find it had he just threw it some where before he landed?

I just watched that episode again its hilarious!

Nope dropped mine from a 28 foot ladder on to asphalt put the battery back in and used it for another year until I gave it to my dad when I went to the voyager. God it was tuff!

Cause this guy is on vacation!

I wont replace my pcs/macs with a tablet, but I will use them in between. There is no way giving up the computer is going to satisfy a gamer!

Wow hes not from the South!

I agree with him they are very pro Apple and I'm typing this on a macbook so I don't mind apple. I just think they are way over hyped sometimes to the point it just feels like they don't waste their time looking at other tech companies.

Yeah even if it is the best phone battery ever its not able to be replaced by the user so I figured it would go in the same category. I will give apple props on those bats especially considering the problems I've had with my Macbook bat.(Still think my Droid Razr is better!)

I have to ask why the Iphone was not listed in the part where you talk about sealed batterys? Isn't one of the first things they were known for?