
He projected his image halfway across the universe. This wasn’t like the thing between Rey and Kylo, where only the other one could see them — he literally made his image appear to everyone there and even though in some ghost dice, too. That took a lot of energy, so much that he was completely drained and died. But he


Hopefully this

Ugh, all these people yapping about “OMG I love fall! PSLs! Sweaters! Knit hats!” and I’m over here screaming NO! That shit lasts for maybe a month and then it’s Shit City! Winter in Chicago is abysmal. Once the temperature drops below 40 it won’t go above it for the next three months. Periodic snow that’s pretty for

First one is wrong. It’s Bubo from Clash of the Titans not Jason and the Argonauts. FAIL!

I would have liked to see those zombie form a human chain,dragging each other through the water to pull up the dragon. A bit of physical comedy to break up the tension.

From Hardhome Depot, of course!

Fuck the night king with his fucking icicle spear.

Will zombie dragon breathe fire or ice?

All Navy Marksmen are afraid of spiders! You just told all of country’s enemies their greatest weakness, you fool!

This serves as a reminder that Bruce Wayne was (and presumably still IS) afraid of bats. And also that he assumes everyone else is afraid of them, too.

Gendry’s “luck” holds...

They could do a whole Star Wars Origins trilogy! And it could dive into everyone’s backstory’s, and it could show how Obiwan and Anakin first met, and then we could see Anakin’s training and his fall to the dark side and how he became Darth Vader, and maybe we could see where the Emperor came from and the fall of the

Why? They did nothing wrong. It’s the incompetent flight crew who don’t understand technology who were incorrect.

Ya, but he’s fighting them out in Queens. No one else would go out there. Think of the 7 in rush hour!

Not every movie can or should be an ultra amazing over the top incredible masterpiece. Trying to do so is how you end up with garbage like BvsS.

I am.. whelmed. It’s a movie and I’ll probably see it but this... I don’t know. Not excited or overenthused or even enthused. Just “Oh look, a movie trailer. Hmph. Okay then. On with the rest of my day.”

The people I keep chained in my basement sort of look at me like that when I bring them food.

Respectfully disagree, MJ was more famous than the best soccer players in the world at that time. No way is Lebron/Curry more famous than Messi/Ronaldo today. That’s the point he’s trying to make.

So it seem’s that shit, has hit the van.