Chris Paine

And an interesting fact: You have to be 6 feet tall to be in the Coast Guard, so if your ship sinks you can walk to shore.

Beware the mighty werebuffalo!

Damn! And here I was hoping they'd find Jimmy Hoffa or Al Capone's treasure.

Hans Gruber, The Musical!

I think it's going to be more akin to Elysium to be honest.

Lucien's library in the castle of Dream of the Endless in The Sandman.

Actually, in THE definitive Fantastic Four movie (The Incredibles) the supervillain is just a best friend / side-kick wantabe.

Clearly, someone hasn't been to Palm Beach during the height of the Social Season.

As "Doctor Who" is British in origin, I believe the Dalek is, in fact, lying in wait for Father Christmas.