
This seems to imply one would have to take mass transit to get to the Terminal. A somewhat horrifying prospect in and of itself.

Pretty common in any nice whisky bar pretty much anywhere. Fun to watch, junior high school science. Not nearly something new or amazing.

With 100's of trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities, I suspect the children will be hopelessly bankrupt before they get wet.

"Because at the end of the day, when sucking up the Earth's natural resources is so disruptive that the ground starts to shake, it's worth admitting that our existing methods aren't working."

Small thought on 'spends more'. I've dug into the OECD methodology for calculating how much is 'spent' on healthcare and it seems to include private insurance. Naturally in countries without private insurance there will be no additional cost here. Not that it nullifies the thrust of the paper, but I imagine the

How bout a bill that allows you to provide or deny service to anyone for any reason. You know, a bill that let's you run a business.

I'm not sure I understand why you exist at all if it isn't to genetically propagate. Isn't that the first mission of life?

Keep in mind that a great many people in the South, like myself and the author, are from the North. So the 'people who live outside my north-eastern worldview are morons' mentality is just wrong.

"But what if someone built fast lanes where only certain types of cars were allowed to travel? And what if someone toll booths along the road that already exists, just so that other cars had to pay extra to use the road? What if some cars were kicked off the road completely?"

Did I miss something? Are they forced to work for a shitty company that takes them for granted? Or is it the case that the skilled labor can leave and provide their expertise elsewhere?

And yet 83% of the government remains funded and functional. Priorities? Or just public relations blame-gaming designed to impose maximum pain?

I'm skeptical how much this applies to non-apartments. I can just see me ripping apart the kitchen cabinets to take a reading on the built in appliances or crawling around under the house to figure out what the water heaters consume. As for the AC, I think that is highly dependent on who and where you are. Above 70

Agree. Strange assertion. No doubt there are SOME who will do that. However, supposing everyone thinks like Gizmodo writers is fantasy.