Chris Neto

Just checkin in on ya!

He's down to a buck seventy-five

I'm just excited for episodes 9 and 10.

Nah, he meant wogging. "HAY OSHA, GETTA SAM AF DA FALAFAL IN YAH!"

He delivered some cheeky lines to the receptionist…

Kim's excitement over the Mesa Verde lunch was awesome. Rhea Seehorn does a great job of making this character very likeable. Such a talented cast.

Excuse me, but "proactive" and "really hardcore"? Aren't these just buzzwords that dumb people use to sound important? Not that I'm accusing you of anything like that.

No mentions of the mario coin blip on Jimmy's phone?

Yeah, it's fun having the same sort of cinematography and lighter tone. Most of all, though, it's fun rooting for a character that you genuinely want to do well that doesn't leave a sour taste in the mouth.

How is Jimmy indolent? He's dogged as hell (pardon the pun).

I found it amusing that he was wearing the suit jacket for the warmer day and took it off for the cooler night - I thought he'd find a recycling bin straight away. It was an "in" thing in '02, right?


He had the bribe money in a shoebox, then took another stack out of an envelope which is (I assume) from another source.

Isn't that the point?

Yeah, that got me a lol. Those two are great actors.

They had a great music selection and score in BB, I'm looking forward to what's in store for BCS.

I love how they keep subtly showing that Craig has been worn down by living in an emasculating relationship. In the familiar cafe when the waitress asks them for coffee both Jimmy and Betsy gesture it away while Craig offers his mug, only to be completely ignored. The look of resignation on his face is hilarious.

You type standing up?

I noticed her name in the opening credits