Chris Mollo

I have to say the laughing when "Curly" planted the magazine and prompted the boys to drink was absolutely stomach turning. I get that it was a sit-com from the 80's but cracking jokes about something so monstrous is clearly inappropriate. I applaud the writers and cast for tackling such an issue and getting the

Sorry the damn autotype must have changed "Torvi" to "Torch." Stupid phone. Anyway I think Torvi is hot, and I think she will have a bigger part in upcoming episodes.

Don't forget Torch and Astrid. Two very hot pieces!

I was totally let down by the skipped battle scene. In fact, I actually thought somehow I had missed it. I thought, surely they won't just skip a battle which had so much meaning to Ragnar's sons and people, and yet they did just that. The blood eagle scene was OK, but in my opinion they should have shown the