I don't know, I think of him more as a once gormless loser who is now comfortable enough in his own skin to have a good friend circle even if he's still a bit awkward in some situations.
I don't know, I think of him more as a once gormless loser who is now comfortable enough in his own skin to have a good friend circle even if he's still a bit awkward in some situations.
Ah I was hoping we'd have one Chibnall / Capaldi season to bridge the gap. This sets a precedent of the Doctor always leaving when the showrunner does. Ah well, I'm mildly bummed (Capaldi was easily my favorite Doctor so far) but change is par for the course for a DW fan
( ♬ Been a while)
I was at the Durham NC show. It was great, PFT was on as Mike the Janitor, and he was advocating a world-wide strike of janitor's cleaning bathrooms for all time due to HB2. Lauren did her character of the girl who came back from studying abroad in Italy and thought she was Italian now (with a new name, Amanda…
I read them all. The first one is amazing, the first five are great, though some issues start to pop up toward the end. The last two… well they have issues. Book six I barely remember at all but i do remember was easily my least favorite part. The last one is actually a pretty solid self-contained adventure book with…
I recently moved to North Carolina from Ohio, and am majorly disgusted with HB2 (as is pretty much everyone in my personal circle here.) I completely understand the reasoning behind boycotting the state and not playing any shows, but I'm really glad to see some artists / shows taking a different approach. A boycott…
Cinema Sins is entertaining enough, and I generally laugh at the videos. But if I turn on my critical mind and start being pedantic I have a couple of issues… Particularly, it bothers me that he tallies a "sin" for instances of the film achieving what it sets out do. Now I'm not saying you have to like the end result,…
It's a catchy track though oddly straightforward for Animal Collective… Paired with FloriDada I have a feeling I'll like this album quite a bit more than the messy nonsense that was Centipede Hz.
The pedant in me can't leave well enough alone and I feel compelled to mention that Person Pitch is a Noah Lennox solo album. Sorry. Also I'm a Feels guy myself, though Strawberry Jam was the album that actually hooked me in the first place. Arguably Strawberry Jam actually is better song-for-song, but I love the tone…
He likes to play the drums
Just based on population density alone, the rest pretty much have to be in Asia, Russia, or India right? Honestly the fact that there's only four left doesn't make much sense to me. Considering there's three in Western Europe, you'd figure there'd have to be a similar amount in North America alone, but there's only…
Full list: The Unquiet Dead (Season 1,) The Idiot's Lantern (2,) Victory of the Daleks (5,) Night Terrors (6,) Cold War (7,) The Crimson Horror (7,) Robot of Sherwood (8,) and Sleep No More (9.)
Chibnall is an unexpected choice for showrunner. The obvious choice would have been Mark Gatiss (which I maintain would have been disastrous, or at least boring) and other than him Toby Whithouse seemed like he was being prepped for the role when he was given a highly hyped two-parter this most recent season (I think…
"…forecasting an evolution toward television scheduling in which networks 'follow the voice, the timing, the schedule, and the needs of the creative people rather than mold themselves into a predetermined business structure where they have to be creative on demand.'"
Not as good as this gem: https://vid.me/a67m
This was so much more fitting as an epilogue to the River plotline than either Angels of Manhattan or Name of the Doctor. Both of those were a bit heavy on the melodrama and River felt out of place in those stories to me (despite Alex Kingston's consistently excellent performance.) It feels right that her penultimate…
Except for the return of Gallifrey of course.
DOCTOR: Well, I did come to Trenzalore, and nothing can change that now. Didn't stop you trying though, did it?
TASHA: Not me. The Kovarian Chapter broke away. They travelled back along your timeline and tried to prevent you ever reaching Trenzalore.
DOCTOR: So that's who blew up my Tardis. I thought I'd left the bath…
To your first question: Kavorian tried to kill the Doctor twice: First by blowing up his Tardis in season 5, then by brainwashing River to assassinate him in season 6. She did both of these in order to keep him from reaching Trenzalore (which he did in Time of the Doctor.) Her group was called the Silence because…
I'm not going to get into an RTD vs Moffat debate, because I feel that both writers wrote some of the best and some of the worst stories in the show. They both have some brilliant things to say about the Doctor, but both fall back onto their same tropes way too often.