Chris Metzger

It was implied by the show that she was shot by the Cyberman version of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, causing her to be vaporized. Of course, she wasn't actually vaporized, or at least not permanently, because as long as there's a Doctor there's going to be a Master, but in-universe that was the explanation.

I love how Lou Reed-ish he is here. Declaring what art is worthy, parading his own talent at the expense of the most popular band in the world, and possibly contradicting his past self while doing so. And the caricature of him in the animation is perfect.

Lou Reed loved ruffling feathers and was prone to grand declarations of what is "good" or "cool" or "art." He also seemed to completely reinvent his entire worldview every few years, so he's probably publicly contradicted every opinion he's ever publicly stated.

Well the part of the new lightsaber that Ive helped create is actually pretty cool, the more wild and rough looking blade. To title the piece as though he and J.J. Abrams were just getting drunk and haphazardly throwing something together seems a bit unfair.

Or also: Star Wars! Minus all the fun parts

Generally the podcast is about watching movies that make little sense and then trying to make sense of them. Sometimes (Crank and Fast & Furious meet this) it's a more tongue-in-cheek movie that they actually quite like but they know that the narrative does not hold up to any level of scrutiny. Most of the time though

It's one of their best radio songs. It's a pretty good Talking Heads song, but not nearly their best in my opinion

Imagine the Doctor's outrage if he knew that the first death in Alien was in the likeness of one of his own past lives! Although to me the dream crabs were more reminiscent of Half Life's head crabs than the face huggers, the way they kind of turned the person into a zombie. Still, Alien is probably a more

Okami has about a 30-40 hour run time the first time through (at least for me)… You fight what seems to be the final boss, and then realize you still have to collect 8 of 16 brush techniques and you're actually only halfway through.

Love, love, love Okami. While some of the puzzles are sort of Zelda-light, the originality in story, characters, and art direction more than makes up for it, plus it's really funny. Entertaining and beautiful game, probably in my top 3 PS2 games.

I wasn't going to watch this video (the title and screenshot pretty much captures all the information you're going to get from it) until I read your comment, and you're right, the first thirty seconds or so are very very cool. I like how the song doesn't quite match up 100% from era to era. Makes it a kind of spooky,

Why is one episode ( i think in Tom Baker's chunk) twice as big as the rest?

As someone from the Akron area I'm always surprised how often Ohio in general and Akron in particular are mentioned in media, usually just as a throwaway line saying where someone is from or something like that. I think it's because Ohio is a nice place for Average Joe to come from… It's got a decent population but

I'm reading what I can only assume is a very important interview.

The word "unfilmable" gets thrown around a lot, but I don't know if it has ever applied as much as here. I think a feature length script would shred the source material to where it was unrecognizable.

I mean, being able to make Cybermen from dead people is pretty scary just by the sheer numbers of dead people. And phase two wasn't so much "make even more Cybermen from even more dead people" as it was "make more dead people out of living people, then make those dead people into more Cybermen to make more dead people

I think it can be assumed 12 remembers the events of Day of the Doctor, if only because 11 does. DotD was trying to say that the events basically took place in 11's "present" and the earlier Doctors were out of sync, that way they don't remember which allows seasons 1-7 to exist as they already stand. But 11 clearly

Yeah, in the end I agree with you, there's no way The Master is dead for keeps. It would be absolutely bananas (as Missy might say) to kill off a villain who has so much potential but has been so under-utilized since the reboot, especially after only getting one episode with Gomez' excellent portrayal.
That said I

Very Lynda-with-a-y of her to die like that.

The episode totally implies the Master is dead, just by the hand of Cyber-Brigadier General instead of the Doctor. Not that that really takes anything away from the "she beamed to safety" theory.