“I don’t know if that says more about the Thunder or Westbrook.”
“I don’t know if that says more about the Thunder or Westbrook.”
King Stannis dies.
There are plenty on YouTube.
The fact that there have been numerous sources basically saying that Cousins is almost universally disliked among his team mates.
Isn’t everybody?
What’s the opposite of starring a post?
It really is quite remarkable. A man his size shouldn’t be able to move like that.
It seems like a worthy bet, specially with the new CBA.
Or not be a douche...
That he is.
I hate to break it to you, but he almost certainly will be in. It would be hilarious if they left him out, but there are plenty in the Hall with lesser credentials.
Will Dwight be the least liked person to make the Hall of Fame?
“He’s also the one who, despite his aging game, decided not to develop an outside shot that would extend his career.”
Wow, what a loser.
Your face is just a little bit late.
I think he stayed simply because the Knicks could pay him more.
True. Unfortunately, the Kings can offer him so much more money than anyone else that it’s unlikely he’ll decline a max offer.
Ladies and gentlemen - 2016!!