
Which is probably why most have such an overinflated fear of crime. 14,000 murders per year in the US. If we estimated crime stats from TV you'd probably guess it at 140,000

It's a stretch. Not the worst writing ever. Not as terrible as Under The Dome, and the nosedive is far from as bad as True Blood.

I think i get it. Reviewer doesn't like SOA. But as much as i like reading AVub reviews, these ones dissappoint. Theyre written hasty, and miss or omit a lot that goes on. Disappointed. I like reading these to catch a different perspective than i have (usually better understanding of cinematography and thematic

I think burowski (sic?) killed the cop because HE'S the one who gave the guard's number to Lin. His loyalty is to the highest bidder, and I think he took Collete's death a bit too easy.

Bike was in the clubhouse. They refinished it after his wreck and had it on display.

Faking a pregnancy so you can frame your mother-in-law for the miscarriage of the fake baby is totally moral. Err… Right?

Actually, I could see it. Jax needed someone to lure her there. Assuming he was still unsure about things… If he even suspected it was true he had to know there would be zero chance she'd go anywhere private with him. So Unser stepped in, and agreed to help but only if Jax promised no blood shed.

Actually, the role that it made me think of for some reason was his role in "the Rock". That's the one etched into my brain!

Remember what Otto's extra punishment was? Totally rather get beat for 40 minutes over prison rape daily forever more!