
I thought in Marvel lore it was less about being a god and more about being worthy?

The peoples of Britain have been taking mushrooms for millennia

addictive in this case

Did you hear what happened to Plutos?

Don't Millennials hate Raiders Of The Lost Ark?
I occasionally half-hear that the movie story pointless or doesn't make sense or something?

I don't think there were by the numbers procedurals when Doyle was writing?

Angles & Saxons are English

Apparently Terry Jones has long lamented the historical inaccuracies of Holy Grail - specifically that he made the towns & people of medieval England look muddy & dirty – a look which has stuck with the genre ever since - when apparently people of the time took great pains & pride in being clean & often wore well made

I think there's a scene where she's defending her lifestyle & she mentions it?

> There's only so many jokes
They've probably all been told now? - Better let comedians know there's no longer a need for their skillset.

Though, you do make certain everyone knows that you don't feel the need to make certain that everyone knows?

Why would he beat up teachers he does like?

I created Moschops - but nobody cares

It's all about the Putin

Isn't it more about sucking Putin's dick in particular?

But only if they share the same political views as you

Super NES?
Do kids not call it a SNES any more?

Is passengers a US version of Red Dwarf?

Indy isn't incidental to the movie - At the very least, if he hadn't been there the Nazis would have recovered the Ark & won the war.

We should probably easing into Chinese & Russian history - Out new overlords have their own shit going on.