
Black history or African American history?

Is it on PC?

Russia (like the west) - Has been screwing over the world for a lot longer than a few months

I don't think you remember how being a teenager works

> But Borat has not held up too well.
To be fair - until very recently, most people would have said the same thing about Austin Powers. Countless people doing the same few catchphrases really burnt out peoples tolerance for the movie.

Bo Selecta is clearly the only convincing Michael Jackson impersonator

I'd have imagined they were addictive - not addicting

Imagine how good a modern console game would look on a gaming PC!

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has instantly become my most wanted game for 2017


Unfortunately, however you live your life - you're still gonna die

& now Carrie Fisher has passed too

My thumbs have gone wierd

Never The Same Color

Everything needs more Tom Bombadil

I think if you compare LotR against the translations of old world myths, stories & legends that were available in the 30's it holds up pretty well?

It it's the one set in South Africa - Then he absolutely is.

'The most famous teenager in the world'
I think familiarity with Archie is more localised to America than global?

I'd guess because superheroes are from literature - In the same way that that the works of Austin, Shakespeare, etc.. can be remade without raising an eyebrow.