
Yeah I gotta say that segment was actually more horrific to me in implication than the rest, and I’m seriously baffled it’s not being talked about more.

Hard to believe Alternative Tentacles (the label started by Jello Biafra with a catalog that even by ‘86 had content more musically deviant than the Surfers) would “blanche” at content Touch and Go had no problem with. Me believes there’s a different scenario there (Biafra and Gibby personality clash maybe). Love

Thanks for another good article in the series. I usually learn a thing or two about each feature I wasn’t aware of. So excuse me while I go try to trace Michael Chabon’s original script!?!  Cheers.

Thanks for weighing in Hoss, with about the coldest take on the medium I could imagine. Hey if you ever run into a working time machine, you should head back to 1940 and write a freelance article for Family Circle, warning parents that “funny books” not only have no literary merit, but will transform their adorable

I would have left a trail of bodies for a porn drive-in when I was a teen.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I don’t get up to the midwest as much as I’d like anymore (really just major holidays the last few years) but now I’ve got a little something extra to look forward to. Cheers.

Never mind, I did what I should have done in the first place, googled it. Cascade is in west Chicago. I’ll have to try and talk my sis and her fam. into going next time I visit her, she lives in Milwaukee and there’s still one operating in Jefferson, WI. It was a real shame most of them disappeared too, just when

Classic drive-ins that have been in continuous operation, or revival versions? I just know there wasn’t an operating drive-in anywhere near any of the many places I’ve lived in the last 20 years. A 90 minute drive could be anywhere from Chi-town, what are we talking about rural Indiana?

Thanks Bill, and a big FU to all the Mammon-worshiping douche nozzles who’ve been trying to convince the world that idealist is a dirty word.

Please tell me where you live (not in detail, just city, state) because I haven’t seen an operating drive-in in some time, and lord how I miss them. I will move for that.

I find it a bit ironic that you’re questioning the reading depth of someone who put the information, “...since I’ve only read about 90% of his stuff,” in their post, which you either didn’t read or glossed over and respond with “ must not have read a lot of Stephen King.” I personally find 90% to be a lot but

Just comic book nerds doing their thing.

No, I was more attempting to snicker with you over the original poster even attempting such a comparison in the first place (didn’t nail the delivery I guess). I can tell you know your stuff.

Why use that stupid “snowflakes” diss, so overused by alt right assclowns? You don’t really understand what you’re writing about either, but I’m going to assume you were at the right age to buy all the poly-bagged shite the big two were pushing at the time and you’re too defensive to admit even now it WAS all shite.

If this were ‘98 Wizard mag. level it would just be hyping RL’s drek.

Yeah, that’s kind of the point. Someone else stated that RL was influenced by Art Adams but AA was good.

As funny as that is, every time I see that image (or any of RL’s work really), I really hope I’ll never have to see it again.

That’s ignoring the point that comparing RL to BS is as ridiculous as comparing Marc Silvestri to Dave McKean.

While I get your point, I’m not comfortable “blaming” a superhero artist as good as AA for any of this. He was doing his job with consummate skill and should bear no responsibility for “inspiring” this dope.

As horribly untalented as Liefeld is, the worst result was the imitation of the style in the industry, turning me off of mainstream fare in the late 90's. There were several subpar artists who share this “responsibility” with RL, of varying degrees of competence and each had their imitators. Similar to the “grunge