
Of course, you have to take into account the stridency of anti-union activities in these areas as well. The reason these corp.’s moved to the deep South in the first place was a lack of organized labor, and once they were there they did everything they could, short of Pinkertons to quash them.

I’m going to reply to myself because for some reason Kinja won’t let me edit my post. I left out the only time it is appropriate to use the word objective: when you’re using it in the sense of the creative endeavor’s plan or goals as a work of art, different definitions. Otherwise word junkie’s pet peeve of the day.

I’m way late to this but the article popped up in the header today so... Maybe it’s because I grew up consuming and loving so much British comedy that I love those type of irredeemable characters as well but Americans ARE constantly needing to “empathize” or “identify” with characters to enjoy them. It always strikes

I don’t know why I’m bothering with this but the story popped up in the header so... The word objective seems to be misunderstood by most of the population (even the WRITER of the this article), and is thrown around as a value judgement (which goes against the very definition of the word) about creative endeavors

Yeah, you’re right. It’s why I put ethics in marks. But isn’t it ethical to pay bills for services rendered?

Probably. I’m only tree after all.

I’m blue collar myself, so’s my family for generations but we’re from the midwest and pro-union, and have voted accordingly for generations. I should have clarified, I was speaking about blue collar workers who vote Republican, against their own interests. There are as many “dipshits” in the blue collar world as any

It’s starting to seem more and more irresponsible to keep popping out young’uns, handing them a steaming pile of shit for dinner, then just walking out saying “bon appetit”.

Trumps losing lawyers and having trouble finding new ones, lawyers. What does it say when the least principled profession in the world has trouble with your “ethics”? Ha ha.

When corporate interests don’t benefit, and bottom line becomes the only line those interests care about, while politicians on the right continue to lie about labor reality and convince blue collar dipshits to vote for them anyway, and all of those entities are certain they’re as right as a born again Christian,

So true. Cue middle class America shrinking and shrinking, while Walmart wages stagnate, goods and services get more expensive, and union busting continues, while blue collar idiots in anti-union areas continue to believe right wing rhetoric and vote against their own interests. This life feels more and more like an

As a (regrettably non-famous) Chris myself, I find this article offensive. You didn’t interview Chris’s and without actual Chris representation, you’re just Chrisplaining. Jezebel you should be ashamed.

I’m always flabbergasted that the right is able to convince blue collar workers to vote against their interests in such damaging ways, it’s like Nazis convincing Jews to give them a good yelp review. Insanity.

C’mon ya’ll, don’t you think it would be fun to go back to the days of longer hours, unsafe workplaces, child labor, zero job security, and paltry remuneration? The corporate overlords and political bosses on the right think it’s a great idea, plus they’ve convinced blue collar rednecks in the south it’s a great idea

I really enjoy Aline’s humor and storytelling approach, I just wish I could enjoy that Mark Beyer/Lynda Barry style of cartoon art (the closest I come is some of Panter’s work, but that’s probably because we share a punk history).

Thanks liz, you’ve engendered a bit more hope in this tired soul. Maybe there IS reason to be optimistic. Fingers crossed and voting hand poised.

Yeah, they think it’s all those immigrants on bath salts, with evil erections aimed at their white daughters.

Yeah, cognitive dissonance doesn’t do this kind of evil, agenda propaganda justice (plus they’re definitely not interested in noble notions like justice anyway).

I was going to say something similar. We’re talking about people who believe the Walking Dead is a reality show.

That fact fucking itself in the ass line, had me spit take my coffee. Thanks asshole, I just spent the last five minutes wiping down my laptop. Good stuff.