
What if, hypothetically, nobody "of color" deserved to be nominated ahead of other colorless individuals?

My god that was fucking outstanding! Thanks for posting!

"South Park isn’t against PC culture as a whole. It’s against fake
PC culture, those individuals who use political correctness as a means
of personal gain or personal validation."

So much greatness in this episode.

It's been a long time since I've seen it too but I'm not saying it didn't. But the reality is he picked an agenda with an obvious conclusion and then made a film to "prove" it. There are plenty of documentarians who think he's terrible.

The other producer, Marc, clearly states that Jason was right and that the stunt didn't work but yeah, everyone else seemed to think it was great. Weird.

Jason is obviously not the brightest bulb and is in complete denial most of the time (I still get a chuckle out of him claiming that "all (He's) done is compromise!" a few episodes back) but the eye-rolling from Effie when the stunt *clearly* didn't work and he wanted to do it again said everything about her. She

"The Madden-assisted songs also represent some of Sounds Good Feels Good’s best tracks."

Or maybe people could just write some new characters and make something new featuring whatever kind of theme/sexuality/race/gender/whatever-the-fuck without pandering to the Twitter generation in this manner just to prove to everyone how progressive they are.


I still hate how Spurlock got so much credit for that awful film. Fuck McDonald's but there are a lot of meal options you can eat huge portions of three times a day every day for a month and wreck your health with too. He's a sham as a documentary film maker.

Effie seems to revel in conflict and goes out of her way to antagonize people. The way she insisted on recasting the butler without even consulting the director was ridiculous and is a decision that shouldn't have anything to do with her. Especially when the shot immediately following her complaints showed at least

Indeed. Classic case of "it's all funny until it offends me!!!"

There's a really simple solution to your problem.

What's the least amount of money you would accept in order to actually watch this soupy dreck?

Godfather III is one of mankind's greatest achievements when compared to the unfathomably awful dross that is Die Hard 5 though.

I can't stand Travis already. What a simp. People like him would be the first to go.

Stewart, while probably not entitled to explode so… explosively… was right; Everything is funny until it offends your own particularly delicate sensibility. Picking and choosing what is and isn't off-limits based on whether or not it offends you personally is anti-comedy.

A-? Sheesh… I envy your easy-to-pleasedness.

I do agree with Russo. Just neglected to include her on my list there.