Chris Hoffpauir

Exactly. He was brought in to be the muscle and take Flynn out. His primary mission is to kill Flynn. His secondary mission is to protect Lucy and Rufus (seeing how he's their ride home), and his tertiary mission is to do what Lucy tells him so he doesn't screw up the present to bad when he performs mission numbers

I think burying the core in the desert was a good move. Who wants to travel anywhere for long with a big ball of plutonium in their luggage?

You're right in that there's no absolute framework. Space-time is pliable, and everything is indeed relative.

There are a lot of similarities between this show and Bill & Ted.

Matt Frewer is only 58?


In reality, not that it matters since this is a TV show and nobody really has a time machine, to make it work, you'd HAVE to travel in space and time, or better put, space-time.

The German spelling makes them sound even more sinister, doesn't it?

And Koloth was probably the least intimidating Klingon Commander in TOS!

Trelane was such a brat!

KInd of have to go look that one up now.

Lucy and Amy's photo were insulated by the Life Boat. Maybe if she missed a jump the photo would disappear and she would know who her fiance is…

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually — from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint — it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly… timey-wimey… stuff."


It's also possible Mason's program put the protocol in place after one bad incident, or Rittenhaus put it in place to prevent someone like Flynn from trying to fix the things they broke in the past.

I called the "you can't go to a time you already exist in" Rule B.S. last week. I think that as long as they don't interact, the two versions of the same person idea is pretty harmless.

If they get a second season they definitely have to do a spoof episode where they break the fourth wall and involve the audience!

I think he stole the bomb to give to the Nazi atomic weapons program, what they called the Uranverein or Uranium Club.


I don't think they can travel to another time in the past without returning to the present. Maybe it has something to do with power or doing it in steps so they don't inadvertently end up erasing themselves.