
In fact, the whole Prodrive gave Corvette a run for their money - remember their non-factory Ferrari 550 that slammed Corvette and also kicked the ass of the works-developed 575?

Johnny Carmax would like to sponsor him. Just for shit and giggles.

Call me a blasphemer, but I would actually like to see the return of the racing green:

Yeah maybe I’m a big dumb idiot but this video deals with defogging. Defrosting, which I deal with daily for several months up here in the north, definitely doesn’t work this way.

My experience, the best way to defrost your windshield is to start driving right away while you can’t see anything. Roll your window down

Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager.

How the podracing scene should have gone.

I don’t know about the “tools” and “detail supply” ideas. Most enthusiasts tend to be pretty brand loyal.

No idea why, I’ve always had a soft spot for the RS Spyder.

Cancelled just about the time they figured it out.

The LMP002 looked damn fine doing it though.



So the moral of the story is to be just aggressive enough to be a stormtrooper because they never hit anything

Eat a Snickers, Ballaban.

“Any resemblence to actual Star Trek is purely coincidental and non-intentional.”

You either die a fan or you live long enough to see your once beloved franchise brought to you by the director of The Fast and The Furious.

You get over it pretty quickly. Especially when you’re redlining 2nd without giving a shit about how much gas you’re using or worrying about stressing out the drivetrain. Once you stop caring about winning stoplight races, its alllll bliss. You don’t need more acceleration power when you’re already going fast, you

These guys spent over a million dollars on a D SPORTS RACER!

and fucking swirl the shit out of it for you free

But we know why! Patrick Dempsey's father cooked the books to convince NASA it was too expensive to go back and as he was the only accountant they had, they believed him, all to push the Decepticons' evil plan 40 years later!