
Only 7 of 9... As a former Miata owner I am ashamed. I will go sit in the corner and think about what I have done.

I for one sincerely hope that we NEVER have flying cars.

Tyler, I worked the Tomcat for 20 years and I would trade everything I have to be back on a carrier in the middle of the Indian Ocean working on them again. Since leaving the Navy I have never again felt the job satisfaction I did when I watched a Turkey launch knowing that inside it were Avionics that I had

Pontiac Aztek because tent

This should have been the Explorer.

"And he's conflating a hatred with anything Obama stands for with a hatred for this particular stance, which is a rational and potentially bipartisan solution to a problem that affects everyone across the aisle"

Dat wingflex...

I actually just flew on an Air Canada 788 a week ago, specially booked that flight because of the aircraft.

Yeah, that was something phenomenal. I'll be talking about that the way the generation before me talk about Jack Morris's huge testicular outing in his Game 7. I mean, I hate the Giants (Dodgers fan), but a 0.25 ERA in 36 World Series innings is just pure playing the highest level of baseball with the opposition on

"Hello tower? The pilot ate the fish and the jet engines sound like props. What do I do?"

The way I'd drive it, it would become unreliable.

Any ASE certified mechanic supposedly. I take it to the dealer because they charge the highest labor rate and why not stick it to CarMax?

[How damn cool was the Audi R15 with its flow-through aero? Photo Credit: Audi]

A 1990 Miata Exocet.... A street legal, Miata powered and based, race car. will live until a trillion miles and create many more smiles.

Shit, that's a lot of Miatas.

Yep, I'm here Friday/Saturday!